Monday, July 26, 2010

Numeros De Telefonos De

a red sock.


material for use in the red sock.

This is a list of all known materials and are almost always used:
- Scissors, needle, pins, thread machine, thimble, stuffing, skeins DMC metallic gold and yellow, perlé ball DMC # 8 dark brown, lace and red ribbon.
This is another list of tools.
- A white pencil, needle, wool, gold wire, a curling iron to cut wire, a round head curling iron, acrylic paint in red, white and black, and white pasta fimo red, green, YLI ribbon, paper newspaper, a piece of cardboard.
- Solid color patch in meat, or red felt white.

Note: My sock is 90% of the original, but the doll's face is inside we have not reduced.


1 - With double felt with the help of a soft pencil to copy the outline of the pattern of the sock. Make marks at 1.5 - 2 cm of the top of the pattern as shown in the photo.

2 - Sewing machine using a small stitch. Sew right up to the marks made in step 1. Finish well and cut the contour along the lines of stitching, leaving about 3 mm. margin.

3 - It must be a poke in the instep of the sock (concave area) and two other very important at the top of the boot right where we stopped sewing (careful not to chop the seam.) Also you can make them in the tip (convex zone) to avoid peaks form when turning to the piece.

4 - After sewing and knitting for pickets, turn the sock will be as shown in the photo.

5 - Now sew the sock turned the spaces we left without sewing. Finish off the threads by hand.

6 - We benchmarks for embroidery.

7 - We reference points ratulador caldetín with water or a soft pencil. Focus the pattern and not trace too.

Detail benchmarks.

8 - To stitch the sock star we used a skein of DMC mouliné in metallic gold and French knots we have made with 4 strands of yellow color mouliné.

So we are left with sock embroidery.

9 - Turn to the top of the sock. If you have sewn well to turn the top sights and the seams will be auctioned.

10 - wool needle to make two holes right on the seam of the sock. We have to make two rings and a wire loop with a simple loop at each end. As we have done it a little open rings and putting them in the holes we made in the sock, then put them in the loop of wire loop.

holes are made for the ring between more easily.

need two slightly open ring and an arc with a single loop on each end.

We put a ring on every hole and one end of the arch wire.

sock finished.

The sock is finished but we have the four details are inside.


doll's face on the inside of the sock is done exactly like that "Angel Face" we have made entry for two, there are only a couple of changes.

- Draw the outline of a layer of fabric.

- Decals contour and face in another layer of fabric. Pictured are marked pickets to do after sewing and trimming the edge.

- The match exactly and we look with pins to keep moving. Sew a little bit if we remove the pins and sewing machine with more comfort. Finish off well.

- so we left after sewing and trimming the edge. Do not forget the picket at the intersection of the neck and face.

- We turn the piece, fill and close the opening by hand.

- Use a brush to triple 0 and white acrylic paint, paint the eyeball ...

... red nose ...

.... I have lower lashes embroidered with black sewing thread ...

... now paint their eyebrows and they are very dry mouth is embroidered with one end of a skein of DMC floss.

... Finally, paint the iris and when the paint is dry apply the blush. The hair is tied with a pearl ball DMC # 8 in dark brown.


- For the package will use newspaper or cloth lettered, cardboard and string or red tape.

- You have to make a rectangle with the measures shown in the photo or a little smaller.

- with cellophane tape it shut.

- I wrap using newspaper or cloth with letters and we do a loop of red ribbon.


To make a candy "Candy Cane" we will use pasta "Fimo". This paste has the consistency of clay can be modeled easily and put it in the oven at home hard. To handle this paste must be hands and the place where you work very clean.

- started with two equal balls of dough in red and white fimo.

- The modeled by hand to form two thin tubes. See that you are of the same thickness throughout its length. The candy cane sock is thin and small, there is another figure in this garland wearing it. If you do two work will be done for the next.

- Seguidamente se torsionan entre sí. Torsionarlos sin miedo porque los colores no se mezclarán.

- Volved a modelarlos con las manos. Procurad que el tubito tenga el mismo grosor en todo su longitud.

- Cortad un extremo con una hoja o cuchillo afilado para que dicho extremo no se aplaste.

- Modelar ese extremo que acabais de cortar hasta que adquiera forma de bastón.

Cortar otra vez a la longitud deseada.....

... hopefully you will leave two buds.

Now, carefully, you put the two sticks on top of a foil. Precalentáis home oven to 130 º and when that temperature has reached the meteis to cook. You have them in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Remove and let cool, fimo dough from the oven soft and can deform or break if you touch soon. You can also
varnishing (we have used clear nail polish) and garnish with a green silk narrow tie.

- miniature pine twigs have to be added to the list of things to buy at Christmas but we still have the option to natural twigs.

-natural branches.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Songs For A Juke Party




This is a list of all known materials and are almost always used:
- Scissors, needle, pins, thread machine, thimble, stuffing, two black beads, a bell, skeins DMC Moulin in red and gold, linen thread or twine thickness.
This is another list of tools.
- A fine crochet, a white pencil, needle wool, a long thin screwdriver, a sachet of instant coffee.
- white or tan felt.


If you want to give this figure an older look is to dye the felt instant coffee. In the picture you can see the difference in tone between the unstained white felt and felt the same after the dyeing process. Dye
Felt is very easy, the first thing to do is put water in a container (200-250 ml. Is sufficient for the piece felt that you need to do the rabbit) and heated in a fire when the water is hot, put in the envelope of instant coffee, stir it well and then introduce a piece of felt. We let it sit in the container a bit, drain and see if we like the tone that has been. If we feel that is very dark we put it under running tap water and lower the tone a lot, if we think that was very clear it again to enter the cafe and let it sit longer. The disadvantage of using coffee to color a fabric is that this type of dyeing is not very solid.
These two tips that follow are important to dry so we let it stand top of something flat and before he set to work with must be ironed.

Note: our figure is 100% original, no reduction.


1 - With double felt copy the outline of the body pattern. We mark the opening at the base where to give back to the room and do the same with the marks on the head, ears will be placed there.

2 - Machine sew along the edge of the pencil well. Stitch, as always, is small. As shown in the photo must be disconnected from sewing the opening space and space to put the ears. While the finish line in four points. Cut the piece
leaving a margin of 3 mm. and be very careful when cutting the space between the belly and the front leg is very tight and can sting the seams. Then remove all the room for batting.

3 - After cutting the pickets are shown in the pictures. The difficult point is again below the front leg because you have to give more of a bite and space is very limited.

Detail picketing under the leg.

4 - We used the "tour" to flip the piece. The body of the rabbit has no difficulty turning because the opening is wide, but ...... complicadilla front leg is turning, in addition to agree that we have cut almost flush with a lot of sewing and if we force can tear the felt.

5 - Once we took it flipped all the seams with the back of the hook and will round off the peaks (if any) with the screwdriver.

6 - wool needle pierce the points you see in the picture.

7 - Put the above pattern centering the piece upside down and it copied the reference points of embroidery. Water use a pen or pencil. If we decided to move the pen very soft spots.

8 - So we will be the benchmarks once transferred to the piece.

9 - Fill the body slightly. We put a little at a time starting batting by the tail, then the paw, then the arm and finally the nose, and finally fill the rest of the head and body.

10 - embroider the stars with gold thread using two ply DMC. The letters are embroidered with the same number of ends in red and using two strands of thread.

11 - The ears can be placed in the upper hole in the head that has been without sewing a stitch and then give them to hold them behind, but with this choice we give you will not be any point.

1 - We put the two ears in the needle.

2 - We give one or two stitches to attach it to each other.

3 - We put the needle through the hole left in the head and we get as far as possible from this point.
4 - We pull thread until the ears are placed on your site. We again put the needle at the same point where we have taken and this time we took her out again in the back of the figure towards the tail. Finish off as when we are quilting a quilt, that is, with a double knot and threading the needle into the filling.

12 - We put the seams of the flap inside and close with a hidden stitch.

13-The eyes are two black beads are placed on both sides of the face. We've stretched the thread so they are very into the felt.

will be given a little blush on the part of the face is visible. Apply flushing prior to the whiskers. (See previous posts where he describes the implementation of flushing).

The whiskers also have put them on both sides of the face, tied as before to attach to the felt.

Rabbit by the party that is visible with eyes, whiskers, and flushing.

Rabbit by the back, not flushing.

NOTE: The rabbit also has miniature tinsel around their necks. When approaching the holiday season to see if we find something that looks like.