In this tutorial I'll show you how to design a realistic Credit Card in inkscape. Work by adding reflections, shadows and perspective to make it more realistic. Let's begin.
Create form credit card with the rectangle tool, using the following configuriaciones which is the size of a credit card. 85.60 mm wide and 50.98mm high and rounded to 3.18 mm.
Now apply a drop shadow, go to filters, lights and shadows shadow chooses and applies the following options.
download the following order here
Create a new layer and add this object, desagrupalo and remove the gray. Select the blue rectangle, or go home presions object-> Bring to Front. Done that selects the white shape and blue rectangle and go Object-> clip apply and adjust it seamlessly with your card block layer and lower the opacity to 60. You should have something similar.
In a layer draw a rectangle (f4) to cover the orange part of the card as in the example, the card twice now (shit + d).
Now that we have our own, open the color dialog editor (shit + ctrl + f) and applies the stripes pattern 1:1, as in the example.
Select the node tool (f2), and clicks on one of the two parties must appear, some switches like the image. Use the switches to get something similar to siguirente, do the same with the bottom.
The pattern is rotated 45 degrees, use ctrl and move the circle 3 times, if you have 15-degree rotation in inskcape preferences.
Or you can double the top (ctrl + d) voterala horizontel (v) and vertical (V) and adjust. Also you can convert your object to guide with shift + g.
Lower the opacity of both to 70 and duplicate. Add the following gradient on both objects.
Create a new layer and draw two lines with a width of 1px, between the black and orange, add a dark orange color.
Twice the square of the card, and paste it into a new layer just above the second square and apply the following gradient, and adjust the opacity 64. Use the filter editor to remove the previous shadow.
rectangle doubles again, give it a white color, go to the menu Filter -> light and shadow -> iner shadow. Then open the filter editor (filters -> editor) and applies a standard deviation of 27.2 and lower the opacity of the object to 33.
Create a new layer below the current one, and draws the rectangle herrmanienta chip, you can use the following settings. Adds a text on the chip.
After adding the following gradient into the landfill, and another round about, finally doubled the square and give it a white color and send it back to av pag.
Now we create, the circuit of the microchip with the circle tool and pen.
Now add the name of your bank in this case inskcape, slogan and logo, applies to each one gradient, and shadow. To make the green gradient color only applies extention-> RBG barrel.
Write card number with this source. Add the following gradient .
Add the following drop shadow.
And the next bright side.
If you want you can duplicate the numbers add some blur down the opacity and get something like this:
Pon Your name, and what is missing, using the previous gradient. Adds a cool background, and voila you have your credit card.
Hope you like it.
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